Our Merchants
Precision Auto Service & Supply Ltd
5% discount on services
Email: lmouttet@precisionautott.com
Tel: (868) 622-3862
KCSL Auto Parts Limited.
2% to 5% on car parts excluding Oils and Fluids
Email: kcslautopartsltd@gmail.com
Tel: (868) 272 8576, 228 5275
Nigel R Khan Bookstore
5% discount on services
Website: www.nigelrkhanbookseller.com
Tel: (868) 235-3276
The Grey Pocket - College Store
10% discount on services
Website: http://www.thegreypocket.store
Email: sales@thegreypocket.store
Tel: (868) 222-5616
Signature Stationery & Business Works
10% discount on services
Email: rctaghap@gmail.com
Tel: (868) 663 8854
Artie's Meats
3% off all purchases of non-wholesale items
Website: http://artiesmeats.com/
Email: artiesmeats@gmail.com
Tel: (868)637-9555
Church's Chicken
5% discount on all services
​​​PLEASE NOTE: Customers CANNOT earn loyalty points when using loyalty card. Customers also cannot earn points when using the coupon booklet or any specials/discounted menu items.
Website: www.ccserver.club/trinidadtobago.com
Tel: (868)225-5200
Cook Kin Vibez
10% on cash transactions.
7% on credit cards
Email: cookkinvibez@gmail.com
Tel: (868) 705-5190
Domino's Pizza
10% discount on services
Website: https://www.dominos.tt
Email: operations@dominos.tt
Tel: (868) 475 5293
Island Beer Chill & Grill
5% discount on services
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/islandbeerchillandgrill/
Tel: 868-235-BEER (2337)
Pita Pit
10% discount on services
Website: http://www.pitapit.com.tt/
Email: operations@pitapit.com.tt
Tel: (868) 285-PITA (7482)
Pizza Boys
5% discount on all services
​​​PLEASE NOTE: Customers CANNOT earn loyalty points when using loyalty card. Customers also cannot earn points when using the coupon booklet or any specials/discounted menu items.
Website: www.pizzaboys.com
Tel: (868)225-5200
5% discount on all services
​​​PLEASE NOTE: Customers CANNOT earn loyalty points when using loyalty card. Customers also cannot earn points when using the coupon booklet or any specials/discounted menu items.
Website: www.ritualscoffeehouse.com
Tel: (868)225-5200
Yin and Young Food & Drink
$5.00 discount on any purchase over $50.00.
St Clair Medical (waiting room), 18 Elizabeth Street St Clair
7.30-1.30pm on Mon , 7.30-5.30pm Tues to Fri.
Email: karenkong@aol.com
Tel: (868) 375-4874
Wok N Roll
5% discount on all services
​​​PLEASE NOTE: Customers CANNOT earn loyalty points when using loyalty card. Customers also cannot earn points when using the coupon booklet or any specials/discounted menu items.
Website: www.pizzaboys.com/woknroll/
Tel: (868)225-5200